Thema 01

The stuff of life

Biomass is the “stuff of life” on earth and represents all plants, animals, and humans as well as organic residues and wastes. Bioeconomy is understood as the use of biomass in the economy. 

IINAS research on a sustainable bioeconomy addresses

  • bioenergy (for electricity, heat/cooling, and transport fuels)
  • biomaterials (fibres, plastics, textiles etc.) as well as integrated systems, i.e., so-called biorefineries
  • sustainable food systems (incl. feed).


What it's about

  • The aim of IINAS is to integrate sustainability requirements into a common metric with overall criteria and indicators. Furthermore, resource-efficient strategies for all biomass need to be identified, taking into account land-use.
  • For that, IINAS collaborates with  IEA Bioenergy  and  GBEP .
  • Furthermore, IINAS is active in developing both voluntary and legally binding sustainability standards for the bioeconomy on national, European and international levels.
  • See also:  UBA project Sustainable palm oil?


Ongoing IINAS projects on the bioeconomy

Keine Ergebnisse gefunden
Sustainable bioenergy deployment: Lead of IEA Bioenergy Task 40 (2022-2024)
Sustainable bioeconomy governance: Co-lead IEA Bioenergy Task 45 (2022-2024)
Scientific support to the Global Bioenergy Partnership (GBEP)
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Completed IINAS projects on the bioeconomy, incl. publications

Keine Ergebnisse gefunden
Bioeconomy, Land use
Sustainable Palm Oil? Consumption-orientated approaches for a sustainable supply of palm oil (in cooperation with DUH & WWF, for UBA)
Bioeconomy, Land use
Estimating sustainable palm oil potentials. IINAS working paper of the project “Consumption orientated approaches for a sustainable supply of palm oil” (February 2022)
Future transitions for the Bioeconomy towards Sustainable Development and a Climate-Neutral Economy: Bioeconomy opportunities for a green recovery and enhanced system resilience. Luxembourg 2021
Nachhaltige Nutzung von (Alt)Holz in Luxemburg (mit IZES u.a. für die Ministerien für Energie und Umwelt Luxemburg; internes Projekt)
Future transitions for the bioeconomy towards Sustainable Development and a Climate-Neutral Economy – Foresight Scenarios for the EU bioeconomy in 2050. Luxembourg 2021
Zukunftsfähige Bioökonomie. Endbericht von IINAS für den NABU – Naturschutzbund Deutschland e.V. (Mai 2021)
Bioeconomy, Land use
Overview of sustainability issues in the palm oil sector – Summary for political decision makers (Working paper of the Sustainable Palm Oil project; with DUH & WWF, for UBA; 2021)
Bioeconomy, Land use
Bioenergie und Landnutzung (mit IFEU für Umweltbundesamt; internes Projekt)
Bioeconomy, Energy
Beitrag der Bioenergie zum Nationalen Energie- und Klimaschutzplan NECP (mit Prognos et al. für BMWi; 2020)
Future transitions for the bioeconomy towards Sustainable Development and a Climate-Neutral Economy – Knowledge Synthesis Final Report. Luxembourg 2020
The GBEP Sustainability Indicators for Bioenergy – A TOOL FOR POLICY-MAKERS (for BMEL/FNR; Juni 2020)
Bioeconomy, Land use
Überblick zur Nachhaltigkeitsproblematik im Palmölsektor (Arbeitspapier von WWF & IINAS für UBA; April 2020)
Synthese der Desk‐Top Research zu den Wirkungen der Zertifizierung von Palmöl (Arbeitspapier für UBA; 2020)
SDG implementation in selected Latin America and Caribbean countries and possibilities to link with the GBEP Sustainability Indicators (for IEA Bioenergy & GBEP; 2019)
Technical Paper by IINAS prepared for GBEP (Nov. 2019)
Dokumentation Workhop “Governing sustainability in biomass supply chains for the bioeconomy”, 23. Mai 2019 in Utrecht
3. German Future Earth Summit (2018) Conference Summary Report (Oct. 2018)
Factsheet “No Palm Oil for Biofuels“ (for DUH; Jan. 2018)
Von IINAS i.A. von DUH und WWF (1/2018)
Wie nachhaltig kann Bioökonomie sein? Risiken und Chancen eines sektorübergreifenden Konzeptes (RUNDBRIEF Forum Umwelt & Entwicklung 1/2018)
Artikel von Uwe Fritsche & Ulrike Eppler in RUNDBRIEF Forum Umwelt & Entwicklung 1/2018
Factsheet “Kein Palmöl in den Tank“ (für DUH; Nov. 2017)
Politische Handlungsempfehlungen für ein Verwendungsverbot von Palmöl zur Produktion von Biokraftstoffen. IINAS i.A. von DUH und WWF (11/2017)
Vorstudie “Kein Palmöl in den Tank” von IINAS i.A. von DUH und WWF (11/2017)
Integration von Bioenergie, Biokraftstoffen und Biomaterialien in eine nachhaltige Bioökonomie: S2Bio (2016)
RES-T-BIOPLANT – Integrating 1st and 2nd generation biofuel plants (for IEA Renewable Energy; May 2016)
Meilensteine 2030 – strategisches Projekt zur Biomassenutzung in Deutschland (in Kooperation mit DBFZ/UFZ u.a. für BMUB & BMWi; 2015)
Nachhaltiger Bioenergie-Handel: BioTrade2020plus (2015)
Report of the Application of the GBEP Indicators for Germany (in cooperation with IFEU for GBEP; May 2015)
Country Report Germany 2014 (in cooperation with DBFZ for IEA Bioenergy Task 40; Jan. 2015)
Beiträge zum INRO Projekt zu Nachhaltigkeitsanforderungen für Biomaterialien (2012-2014)
Nachhaltige Bioenergy in der EU28: BiomassPolicies (2014)
Sustainability Criteria and Indicators for the Bio-Based Economy in Europe: State of Discussion and Way Forward (article July 2014).
Energies 7 (11): 6825-6836, Iriarte, Leire & Fritsche, Uwe (2014)
Forest biomass for energy in the EU: current trends, carbon balance and sustainable potential (in cooperation with EFI and Joanneum Research for BirdLife Europe, EEB and Transport & Environment; May 2014)
Erstellt in Zusammenarbeit mit EFI und Joanneum Research i.A. von BirdLife Europe, EEB und T&E (2014) – siehe auch Annex report
Sustainability Assurance for Energy from Forestry (in cooperation with EFI and Joanneum Research for WWF International; May 2014)
Forest biomass for energy in the EU: current trends, carbon balance and sustainable potential. Annex Report (in cooperation with EFI and Joanneum Research for BirdLife Europe, EEB and Transport & Environment; May 2014)
Erstellt in Zusammenarbeit mit EFI und Joanneum Research i.A. von BirdLife Europe, EEB und T&E (2014)
Possibilities of sustainable woody energy trade and impacts on developing countries; Country Case Study Brazil (for GIZ; Jan. 2014)
Fallstudie. Erstellt in Zusammenarbeit mit CENBIO für die GIZ (2013)
Possibilities of sustainable woody energy trade and impacts on developing countries – deutsche Zusammenfassung (für GIZ; Jan. 2014)
Possibilities of sustainable woody energy trade and impacts on developing countries;
Possibilities of sustainable woody energy trade and impacts on developing countries; Summary Report (for GIZ; Jan. 2014)
Erstellt in Zusammenarbeit mit CENBIO für die GIZ (2014)
Possibilities of sustainable woody energy trade and impacts on developing countries; Final Report (for GIZ; Jan. 2014)
Erstellt in Zusammenarbeit mit CENBIO für die GIZ (2014), siehe auch Summary Report bzw. Zusammenfassung und Fallstudie Brasilien (in Englisch)
EU bioenergy potential from a resource efficiency perspective EEA (EEA report 7/2013)
Aktueller Stand von nationalen und internationalen Zertifizierungsansätzen sowie Weiterentwicklung von Nachhaltigkeitskriterien für feste Biomassen
Fritsche, Uwe & Seyfert, Ulrike; in: Biodiversitätsziele bei der energetischen Waldholznutzung als Beitrag der Nachhaltigkeit; BfN-Skripten 330 (2013)
Global Assessment Guidelines for Sustainable Liquid Biofuels Production in Developing Countries (GEF Targeted Research Project for UNEP, FAO, UNIDO; March 2013)
Biofuels – What Role in the Future Energy Mix? (in cooperation with IFEU for Shell; Nov. 2012)
Facts, trends and perspectives. Study with IFEU for Shell (11/2012)
Bioeconomy, Land use
Umsetzung der Biodiversitätsziele bei der nachhaltigen Bioenergienutzung (in Kooperation mit HFR et al. für BfN; 2012)
Abschlußbericht von Öko-Institut e.V., Hochschule für Forstwirtschaft Rottenburg, Institut für Landschaftsökologie und Naturschutz und UNIQUE forestry and land use GmbH für das Bundesamt für Naturschutz; FKZ 3510 83 0200
Nach Super E10: Welche Rolle für Biokraftstoffe? (in Kooperation mit IFEU für Shell; Sep. 2012)
Studie mit IFEU für Shell (9/2012)
Outcome paper zu den Joint Workshops on Extending the RED (2012)
Biomass Futures Sustainability Indicators: Summary of the WP4 work (Policy briefing of the Biomass Futures project funded by the European Commission, IEE program; 2012)
Sustainable Bioenergy: Key Criteria and Indicators (Delivery D 4.1 of the BiomassFutures project; for EC DG RTD – IEE program; 2012)
BIOBENCH: Benchmarking biomass sustainability criteria for energy purposes (in cooperation with VITO et al. for EC DG ENER; 2012)
Bioeconomy, Land use
Sustainability standards and criteria for non-food crops (Deliverable D5.4 of the EU project “Non-food Crops-to-Industry schemes in EU27” WP5 Sustainability; 2012)
Bioeconomy, Material flows and Life-Cycle Analyses
Workshop on Biofuels and Indirect Land Use Change Brussels, 25 January 2012 PROCEEDINGS (Oeko-Institut for the European Parliament’s Committee on Environment, Public Health and Food Safety; 2012)
Bioeconomy, Land use
Report on challenges and conflict areas for nonfood crop production systems (Deliverable D5.3 of the EU project “Non-food Crops-to-Industry schemes in EU27” WP5 Sustainability; 2011)
Bioeconomy, Material flows and Life-Cycle Analyses
Indirect Land Use Change and Biofuels (Oeko-Institut study for the European Parliament’s Committee on Environment, Public Health and Food Safety; 2011)
Bioeconomy, Material flows and Life-Cycle Analyses
The Bioenergy and Water Nexus (Oeko-Institut in cooperation with UNEP and IEA Bioenergy Task 43; 2011)
Sustainable Bioenergy: A tool for biodiversity, rural development and food security (Contribution to UNESCO Conference “For life, for the future. Biosphere reserves and climate change” Dresden, June 27, 2011)
Bioeconomy, Material flows and Life-Cycle Analyses
BioCouple – Kopplung der stofflich/energetischen Nutzung von Biomasse (Öko-Institut in Kooperation mit Wuppertal-Institut und Fraunhofer UMSICHT; für BMU; 2011)
Bioeconomy, Land use
Zur Definition von Grünland mit großer biologischer Vielfalt (Arbeitspapier zum Projekt “Naturschutzstandards Erneuerbarer Energien” für BMU; 2010)
Bioeconomy, Land use, Material flows and Life-Cycle Analyses
Bioenergy Environmental Impact Analysis (BIAS) – Conceptual Framework (prepared for FAO; 2010)
Oeko-Institut in cooperation with IFEU and Utrecht University; FAO Environment and Natural Resources Working Paper 46. Rome
Bioeconomy, Energy
BUBE: Better Use of Biomass for Energy (Position Paper of IEA RETD and IEA Bioenergy; 2010)
Bioeconomy, Energy
BUBE: Better Use of Biomass for Energy (Background Report in cooperation with CE Delft for IEA RETD and IEA Bioenergy; 2010)
Bioeconomy, Land use
Sustainable Biomass Production from Degraded Lands – Summary of Country Studies (Oeko-Institut working paper for BMU/UBA; 2010)
Bioeconomy, Land use, Material flows and Life-Cycle Analyses
The “iLUC Factor” as a Means to Hedge Risks of GHG Emissions from Indirect Land Use Change (Oeko-Institut working paper for BMU/UBA; 2010)
Bioeconomy, Land use
Development of strategies and sustainability standards for the certification of biomass for international trade (Oeko-Institut in cooperation wit IFEU for BMU/UBA; 2010)
Sustainable Bioenergy: Summarizing Final Report for the Project „Development of strategies and sustainability standards for the certification of internationally traded biomass“ (Bio-global)
Bioeconomy, Land use
Nachhaltige Bioenergie: Zusammenfassender Endbericht (Öko-Institut in Kooperation mit IFEU für BMU/UBA; 2010)
Endbericht zum Vorhaben “Entwicklung von Strategien und Nachhaltigkeitsstandards zur Zertifizierung von Biomasse für den internationalen Handel (Bio-global)”
Bioeconomy, Material flows and Life-Cycle Analyses
Treibhausgasemissionen biogener Energieträger im Vergleich zu fossilem Diesel und Schweröl (BMBF-Vorhaben BIOCLEAN für DLR; 2009)
Bioeconomy, Material flows and Life-Cycle Analyses
Greenhouse-Gas Emissions from the Production and Processing of Food (Working paper; 2009)
Bioeconomy, Land use, Material flows and Life-Cycle Analyses
The iLUC Factor: A Simplified Approach to Assess GHG Implications of Indirect Land Use Change from Bioenergy (Oeko-Institut Working Paper for BMU/UBA; 2009)
Bioeconomy, Material flows and Life-Cycle Analyses
Review of Bioenergy Life-Cycles: Results of Sensitivity Analysis for Biofuel GHG Emissions (Oeko-Institut for UNEP-DTIE; 2009)
Bioeconomy, Land use, Material flows and Life-Cycle Analyses
Sustainability of Biofuels: Overview of Issues and Perspectives (for Nissan; 2009)
Bioeconomy, Land use, Material flows and Life-Cycle Analyses
Bioenergy Life-Cycle Analysis: Beyond Biofuels (for EEA; 2008)
ETC/ACC Technical Paper 2008/18 – European Topic Centre on Air and Climate Change for the European Environmental Agency
Bioeconomy, Land use
Biodiversity and Land-Use (Oeko-Institut working paper for BMU/UBA; 2008)
Bioeconomy, Material flows and Life-Cycle Analyses
Kumulierter Primärenergie-Aufwand (KEA) biogener Öle (für IWO; 2008)
Bioeconomy, Land use, Material flows and Life-Cycle Analyses
Treibhausgasbilanzen und kumulierter Primärenergieverbrauch von Bioenergie-Konversionspfaden unter Berücksichtigung möglicher Landnutzungsänderungen (für WBGU; 2008)
Expertise zum WBGU-Gutachten “Welt im Wandel: Zukunftsfähige Bioenergie und nachhaltige Landnutzung”; Berlin 2008
Energetische Nutzung biogener Rest- und Abfallstoffe (für Bündnis90/Grüne im Bundestag; 2008)
Bioeconomy, Land use
Criteria and Indicators to Identify and Map High Nature Value Areas (Issue Paper in cooperation with IFEU and UNEP-WCMC; 2008)
Paper prepared for the Joint International Workshop on High Nature Value Criteria and Potential for Sustainable Use of Degraded Lands – June 30 to July 1, 2008 at UNEP, Paris
Bioeconomy, Land use
Degraded Land and Sustainable Bioenergy Feedstock Production (Issue Paper in cooperation with IFEU and UNEP-WCMC; 2008)
Paper prepared for the Joint International Workshop on High Nature Value Criteria and Potential for Sustainable Use of Degraded Lands – June 30 to July 1, 2008 at UNEP, Paris
Maximising the environmental benefits of Europe’s bioenergy potential (in cooperation with TU Vienna for EEA; 2008)
European Environment Agency – EEA Technical report No 10/2008
Bioeconomy, Land use
Sustainable Bioenergy: Field Evaluating of Brazil’s “Social Biodiesel” Program (for ILO; 2007)
Bioeconomy, Energy
Beurteilung von Biogasanlagenparks im Vergleich zu Hof-Einzelanlagen (in Kooperation mit DBFZ für DUH; 2007)
Bioeconomy, Energy
Möglichkeiten einer europäischen Biogas-Einspeisungsstrategie – Teilbericht II (für Bündnis90/Grüne im Bundestag, Fachverband Biogas und Stadtwerke Aachen; 2007)
Nachhaltige aquatische Biomasse: Überblick zu rohstofflichen Verwendungen und Überlegungen zu Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der energetischen Nutzung (Arbeitspapier; 2007)
Bioeconomy, Land use, Material flows and Life-Cycle Analyses
GHG Accounting for Biofuels: Considering CO2 from Leakage (Oeko-Institut Working paper for UBA/BMU; 2007)
Bioeconomy, Material flows and Life-Cycle Analyses
Treibhausgasemissionen durch Erzeugung und Verarbeitung von Lebensmitteln (Arbeitspapier; 2007)
Bioeconomy, Land use, Material flows and Life-Cycle Analyses
Biofuels for Transportation: Global Potential and Implications for Sustainable Agriculture and Energy in the 21st Century (WorldWatch Institute et al. for BMELV 2006)
Bioeconomy, Land use
Sustainability Standards for Bioenergy (for WWF; 2006)
Bioeconomy, Energy, Material flows and Life-Cycle Analyses
Case Study: The Bioenergy Village Jühnde (EU project CREATE ACCEPTANCE WP2; 2006)
Bioeconomy, Land use, Material flows and Life-Cycle Analyses
Sustainable Strategies for Biomass Use in the European Context: Analysis in the charged debate on national guidelines and the competition between solid, liquid and gaseous biofuels (in cooperation with IE et al. for BMU; 2005)
Bioeconomy, Land use, Material flows and Life-Cycle Analyses
Sustainable Strategies for Biomass Use in the European Context – Annex (in cooperation with IE et al. for BMU; (2005)
Bioeconomy, Material flows and Life-Cycle Analyses
Nachhaltige Biomassenutzungsstrategien im europäischen Kontext: Analyse im Spannungsfeld nationaler Vorgaben und der Konkurrenz zwischen festen, flüssigen und gasförmigen Bioenergieträgern (in Kooperation mit IE et al. für BMU; 2005)
Bioeconomy, Land use, Material flows and Life-Cycle Analyses
Criteria for Assessing Environmental, Economic, and Social Aspects of Biofuels in Developing Countries (for BMZ; 2005)
Bioeconomy, Land use, Material flows and Life-Cycle Analyses
Kriterien zur Bewertung des Pflanzenanbaus zur Gewinnung von Biokraftstoffen in Entwicklungsländern unter ökologischen, sozialen und wirtschaftlichen Gesichtspunkten (für BMZ; 2005)
Bioeconomy, Material flows and Life-Cycle Analyses
Stoffstromanalyse zur nachhaltigen energetischen Nutzung von Biomasse – Anhangband (in Kooperation mit IE et al. für BMU; 2004)
Bioeconomy, Material flows and Life-Cycle Analyses
Stoffstromanalyse zur nachhaltigen energetischen Nutzung von Biomasse (in Kooperation mit IE et al. für BMU; 2004)
Bioeconomy, Material flows and Life-Cycle Analyses
Bioenergy: New Growth for Germany (for BMU; 2004)
Bioeconomy, Material flows and Life-Cycle Analyses
Bioenergie: Nachwuchs für Deutschland (für BMU; 2. Aufl. 2005)
Bioeconomy, Material flows and Life-Cycle Analyses
Dokumentation zu den Baumwoll-Daten in GEMIS 4.1 (2002)
Bioeconomy, Land use
Biomass and Global Warming: Double Solution or Trouble with Pollution? (Paper for “5 vor 12” Special Issue on Global Warming; 1988)
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