
Land use

A key issue for IINAS is research on sustainable land use as an integrated perspective on resource-efficient production and use of

  • biomass for food and feed, but also for energy and materials
  • ecosystem services (agro- and forest biodiversity, carbon sequestration, habitats, etc.)
  • raw materials (energy, minerals, ores, water etc.)



Sustainable global land use

  • Which sustainability requirements are needed for the global land use?
  • Is a global "standard" meaningful - and if yes: how can it be developed and implemented - and with whom?
  • IINAS led the multi-year research project GLOBALANDS on that issue, and continues being active on these questions in IEA Bioenergy.


Ongoing IINAS projects on land use


Completed IINAS projects on land use, incl. publications

Keine Ergebnisse gefunden
Bioeconomy, Land use
Sustainable Palm Oil? Consumption-orientated approaches for a sustainable supply of palm oil (in cooperation with DUH & WWF, for UBA)
Bioeconomy, Land use
Estimating sustainable palm oil potentials. IINAS working paper of the project “Consumption orientated approaches for a sustainable supply of palm oil” (February 2022)
Bioeconomy, Land use
Overview of sustainability issues in the palm oil sector – Summary for political decision makers (Working paper of the Sustainable Palm Oil project; with DUH & WWF, for UBA; 2021)
Bioeconomy, Land use
Bioenergie und Landnutzung (mit IFEU für Umweltbundesamt; internes Projekt)
Bioeconomy, Land use
Überblick zur Nachhaltigkeitsproblematik im Palmölsektor (Arbeitspapier von WWF & IINAS für UBA; April 2020)
Land use
Land and energy (Working paper for the UNCCD Global Land Outlook; Jan. 2017)
Land use
May we have some more land use change, please? Berndes, Göran & Fritsche, Uwe (2016)
Biofuels, Bioprod. Bioref. 10: 195–197
Land use
Resource-Efficient Land Use – Towards a Global Sustainable Land Use Standard (GLOBALANDS). Synthesis Report of the GLOBALANDS project funded by BMUB through UBA (Juni 2015)
Land use
Ressourceneffiziente Landnutzung – Wege zu einem Global Sustainable Land Use Standard (GLOBALANDS)
Kurzfassung des BMU/UBA-Vorhabens (Juni 2015)
Land use
Urban-Rural Linkages and Global Sustainable Land Use (GLOBALANDS Issue Paper; May 2015)
Issue Paper
Land use
Conference Paper for the World Bank conference “Land and Poverty 2015” in Washington, DC
Conference Paper
Land use
Urban Food Systems and Global Sustainable Land Use (GLOBALANDS Issue Paper; April 2015)
Issue Paper
Land use
Systemic Indicators (GLOBALANDS Working Paper 3.3; Jan. 2015)
Land use
Input paper for the 3. International Expert Workshop “Systemic Indicators for Global Sustainable Land Use: Concept, Examples and Options for Global Processes”, 7.-8.April 2014 in Paris (in cooperation with UNEP und UNCCD Secretariat)
Land use
Results of the 4. GLOBALANDS International Expert Workshop 6-7.10.2014 in Paris (in cooperation with UNEP and UNCCD Secretariat
Land use
Global Land Use Scenarios: Findings from a review of key studies and models (GLOBALANDS Working Paper 1.3; April 2013)
Bioeconomy, Land use
Umsetzung der Biodiversitätsziele bei der nachhaltigen Bioenergienutzung (in Kooperation mit HFR et al. für BfN; 2012)
Abschlußbericht von Öko-Institut e.V., Hochschule für Forstwirtschaft Rottenburg, Institut für Landschaftsökologie und Naturschutz und UNIQUE forestry and land use GmbH für das Bundesamt für Naturschutz; FKZ 3510 83 0200
Land use
Land Use Trends, Drivers and Impacts: Key findings from a review of international level land use studies (GLOBALANDS Working Paper 1.2; May 2012)
Bioeconomy, Land use
Sustainability standards and criteria for non-food crops (Deliverable D5.4 of the EU project “Non-food Crops-to-Industry schemes in EU27” WP5 Sustainability; 2012)
Bioeconomy, Land use
Report on challenges and conflict areas for nonfood crop production systems (Deliverable D5.3 of the EU project “Non-food Crops-to-Industry schemes in EU27” WP5 Sustainability; 2011)
Bioeconomy, Land use
Zur Definition von Grünland mit großer biologischer Vielfalt (Arbeitspapier zum Projekt “Naturschutzstandards Erneuerbarer Energien” für BMU; 2010)
Bioeconomy, Land use, Material flows and Life-Cycle Analyses
Bioenergy Environmental Impact Analysis (BIAS) – Conceptual Framework (prepared for FAO; 2010)
Oeko-Institut in cooperation with IFEU and Utrecht University; FAO Environment and Natural Resources Working Paper 46. Rome
Bioeconomy, Land use
Sustainable Biomass Production from Degraded Lands – Summary of Country Studies (Oeko-Institut working paper for BMU/UBA; 2010)
Bioeconomy, Land use, Material flows and Life-Cycle Analyses
The “iLUC Factor” as a Means to Hedge Risks of GHG Emissions from Indirect Land Use Change (Oeko-Institut working paper for BMU/UBA; 2010)
Bioeconomy, Land use
Development of strategies and sustainability standards for the certification of biomass for international trade (Oeko-Institut in cooperation wit IFEU for BMU/UBA; 2010)
Sustainable Bioenergy: Summarizing Final Report for the Project „Development of strategies and sustainability standards for the certification of internationally traded biomass“ (Bio-global)
Bioeconomy, Land use
Nachhaltige Bioenergie: Zusammenfassender Endbericht (Öko-Institut in Kooperation mit IFEU für BMU/UBA; 2010)
Endbericht zum Vorhaben “Entwicklung von Strategien und Nachhaltigkeitsstandards zur Zertifizierung von Biomasse für den internationalen Handel (Bio-global)”
Bioeconomy, Land use, Material flows and Life-Cycle Analyses
The iLUC Factor: A Simplified Approach to Assess GHG Implications of Indirect Land Use Change from Bioenergy (Oeko-Institut Working Paper for BMU/UBA; 2009)
Bioeconomy, Land use, Material flows and Life-Cycle Analyses
Sustainability of Biofuels: Overview of Issues and Perspectives (for Nissan; 2009)
Bioeconomy, Land use, Material flows and Life-Cycle Analyses
Bioenergy Life-Cycle Analysis: Beyond Biofuels (for EEA; 2008)
ETC/ACC Technical Paper 2008/18 – European Topic Centre on Air and Climate Change for the European Environmental Agency
Bioeconomy, Land use
Biodiversity and Land-Use (Oeko-Institut working paper for BMU/UBA; 2008)
Bioeconomy, Land use, Material flows and Life-Cycle Analyses
Treibhausgasbilanzen und kumulierter Primärenergieverbrauch von Bioenergie-Konversionspfaden unter Berücksichtigung möglicher Landnutzungsänderungen (für WBGU; 2008)
Expertise zum WBGU-Gutachten “Welt im Wandel: Zukunftsfähige Bioenergie und nachhaltige Landnutzung”; Berlin 2008
Bioeconomy, Land use
Criteria and Indicators to Identify and Map High Nature Value Areas (Issue Paper in cooperation with IFEU and UNEP-WCMC; 2008)
Paper prepared for the Joint International Workshop on High Nature Value Criteria and Potential for Sustainable Use of Degraded Lands – June 30 to July 1, 2008 at UNEP, Paris
Bioeconomy, Land use
Degraded Land and Sustainable Bioenergy Feedstock Production (Issue Paper in cooperation with IFEU and UNEP-WCMC; 2008)
Paper prepared for the Joint International Workshop on High Nature Value Criteria and Potential for Sustainable Use of Degraded Lands – June 30 to July 1, 2008 at UNEP, Paris
Bioeconomy, Land use
Sustainable Bioenergy: Field Evaluating of Brazil’s “Social Biodiesel” Program (for ILO; 2007)
Bioeconomy, Land use, Material flows and Life-Cycle Analyses
GHG Accounting for Biofuels: Considering CO2 from Leakage (Oeko-Institut Working paper for UBA/BMU; 2007)
Bioeconomy, Land use, Material flows and Life-Cycle Analyses
Biofuels for Transportation: Global Potential and Implications for Sustainable Agriculture and Energy in the 21st Century (WorldWatch Institute et al. for BMELV 2006)
Bioeconomy, Land use
Sustainability Standards for Bioenergy (for WWF; 2006)
Bioeconomy, Land use, Material flows and Life-Cycle Analyses
Sustainable Strategies for Biomass Use in the European Context: Analysis in the charged debate on national guidelines and the competition between solid, liquid and gaseous biofuels (in cooperation with IE et al. for BMU; 2005)
Bioeconomy, Land use, Material flows and Life-Cycle Analyses
Sustainable Strategies for Biomass Use in the European Context – Annex (in cooperation with IE et al. for BMU; (2005)
Bioeconomy, Land use, Material flows and Life-Cycle Analyses
Criteria for Assessing Environmental, Economic, and Social Aspects of Biofuels in Developing Countries (for BMZ; 2005)
Bioeconomy, Land use, Material flows and Life-Cycle Analyses
Kriterien zur Bewertung des Pflanzenanbaus zur Gewinnung von Biokraftstoffen in Entwicklungsländern unter ökologischen, sozialen und wirtschaftlichen Gesichtspunkten (für BMZ; 2005)
Bioeconomy, Land use
Biomass and Global Warming: Double Solution or Trouble with Pollution? (Paper for “5 vor 12” Special Issue on Global Warming; 1988)
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